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travel essentials list

As the world starts opening up, new rules and regulations are set up to allow us the simple pleasures of travel once again. Travel essentials list that has seen every adventurer through in the past are still basically the same, but also radically different. Let’s review how the new normal…

How To Choose A Laptop Bag

For a lot of us, our laptop is an essential piece of equipment. We spend hours on them every day, performing various tasks for work and pleasure. So it’s no surprise that we spend hours picking out the one with just the right specifications: the right amount of memory, the…

Backpacking Tips

At least once or twice a year, allow yourself to blow off some steam by taking some rest and relaxation with some backpacking tips for beginners. Being in the same space and office routine for eight hours a day for five days–some still work on weekends–can surely cause a major…

business travel bag

Since time immemorial, our ways to survive and succeed in our career endeavours most of the time require being mobile in many ways. From the religious steaming of formal suits and dress shirts to packing all the essentials with the right business travel bag, travelling outside the city and abroad…

stylish office backpack

Stylish office backpacks have been making their way into the corporate scene. While the traditional briefcase is the most formal choice that complements the business attire, they may not be the most functional choice. Backpacks feature more use of what you need on a daily basis, which is why Krimcode…

3 cool backpacks for men

Cool Backpacks for men are a great lifestyle bag accessory to take wherever you go. They stay within the realm of looking professional but are designed to fit the everyday aesthetic. Krimcode’s line of smart casual backpacks for men come in three distinct designs with their own key design features…

style dress code

Dress codes are the guidelines that often companies or events often impose. While reputably restrictive, dress codes don’t have to be a reason to lose style. With a bit of creativity to work around the rules, here is a simple guide to turn out great looks and match your style…

Lifestyle bag

Krimcode’s bags are tailored for men who live a well-rounded lifestyle. Take a look at Krimcode’s Lifestyle Bag Buying guide for your everyday use!   Lifestyle Bag For Formal and Office Settings Different offices follow their own dress code, which means there are limited choices when it comes to accessorizing.…

Dressing for Success

Does dressing for success really work? Yes, and here’s why. A study published in 2015 proved that people feel more intellectually capable when dressed in their formal attire. This evidently boosted their confidence and made them feel more powerful. With the science to back up the power of style in…

Dress Code in the Workplace - Oct 7, 2020

Dress code in the workplace has been a debatable issue in the workplace for decades. Several companies over the years have become more lenient with dress codes, others removing it completely. But not having guidelines for appropriate workplace clothing may affect several areas of your company that you might not…